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Bees, Bugs & Butterflies

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S$ 15.90
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S$ 15.90
istrongThis book is a great read for any young nature lover and is a fantastic way to get children more interested in the outdoors. In no time at all they will be chasing down bugs, bees and butterflies. - LandLove //strong/imagazine/brbrWho are the pollinators? Did we know that creepy crawlies are actually our hardworking friends and predators help to keep the balance of nature? In Bees, Bugs & Butterflies: A Family Guide, Ben Raskin shares his expert knowledge on the power of pollination through a buzzing collection of exciting facts and activities. Learn alongside your kids about why pollination is so essential to the natural world through predator menus (who knew nematode nougat came in slug and vine weevil flavours!) a flower and insect matchmaking wheel, and Pollinator Pursuit (a fresh take on a traditional game). Find out who’s living at the bottom of your garden, about the amazing tricks plants play on insects and how to call nature’s very own SOS team in to give our nectar-sipping buddies (and us) a helping hand./